What Makes A Game An Esport


Esport, or electronic sport, is a type of competitive sport with electronic game devices as its main tools. Esport often takes the form of multiplayer, interactive video game competitions, especially between international teams, either alone or in competitive tournaments organized by certain organizations. The players usually use headsets to communicate with each other, as well as to play against the computer-simulated adversaries. The most common esport in the world is playing of the sport in consoles such as Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Xbox. Both versions offer a multiplayer experience, although the graphics of the game have been slightly modified for the more modern consoles.

Throughout history, there have been a number of different types of esport competitions, and many of them involved popular teams from around the world as the teams try to win the most awards and prizes. These video games allow the professional players to exercise and train their body in ways not possible if they would not be participating in an esport competition. For example, the virtual character of some sport games allows the players to run, jump, and throw various types of physical moves that are otherwise impossible, and at the same time, these movements help the players improve their skills so that they can be able to compete with other professional players around the world.

One esport that has become very popular is playing of the sport with other people around the world. By participating in an esport tournament, you are able to show and prove to people that you have what it takes to become one of the best esport gamers in the world. In order to qualify for an esport tournament, you must make sure that you know about all of the rules, so that you can play according to the rules and regulations of the game. Many top players in the world spend quite a bit of time practicing, in order to be able to reach the top players in their respective fields of interest. By learning more about the esport you wish to play, you will be able to become better and be on your way to becoming a professional esport player.

Here at GameSkinny, we love our eSports. We cover tournaments, write player profiles, and offer advice to players looking to go pro. But what makes an eSport? How does a game transition from casual multiplayer to professional competitions with teams, analyst desks, and massive prize rewards? Well we have the answer. In order for a game to become a successful eSport, the game needs to be competitive, have a large player base, and be well funded.

Esports are video games which are played in professional competitions, usually fall into a few major genres. The majority of esports titles are fighting games, first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), or multiplayer online battle arena games (MOBA), with the MOBA genre being the most popular in terms of participation and viewership. Esports is a form of competition based around video games. Usually, this involves organized events and tournaments where professional players fight against each other for fame, glory, and an attractive prize pool. These competitions aren’t entirely novel either. Others have already said but the community really is what makes an eSport. It's the most important thing, because what really drives an eSport is longevity, and it's the community that keeps a game alive long after the hype wears out. 2nd must important thing is a competitive ladder, which you did include.

So lets start with competition.


If you break down eSports (sports in general), it is players competing against one another. That is why you see teams from around the world competing to prove who is the best. Thus, a game cannot become an eSport if it isn't competitive. For example, we will never see Minecraft as an eSport. The game is extremely popular and has a huge player base, but Minecraft isn't about who can build the biggest fortress, or who can collect the most rotten flesh in 15 minutes. A good eSports game needs to have a clear winner and loser.

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Another quality eSport games need is a large player base.

Having a healthy eSports scene is impossible unless you have enough players. It is regular players who will watch Twitch streams, read interviews, and attend tournament events, so you need players to drive the game and community forward.

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There are several games that could have become eSports, but lacked players. Take Hawken for example. The game has a high skill cap and is incredibly competitive. The only issue was that the game didn't have enough players to establish a professional scene, so the original developers went bankrupt.

The most important quality a game needs to become an eSport is proper funding.

While eSports make a ton of money, they also cost a lot to maintain. Companies need to pay for casters, video and sound technicians, writers, venues, add additional staff, and advertise, as well as provide tournament prizes. None of that is possible unless a game has money.

What Makes A Good Esports Game

Ever wonder why every Blizzard game is an eSport? It is because they have enough players and money to do so. Blizzard could probably make a game where players throw digital rocks at each other, and it would become an eSport.

How Esports Make Money

While there can be other factors that determine if a game is an eSport, the qualities listed above are absolutely necessary for all successful eSports. Just take a look at major eSports such as SMITE, LoL, or Dota 2. I guarantee that they all have these qualities. Comment below on what you think great eSports need.